Una Stubbs亲笔签名照片 (第7页共8页):
Una Stubbs (Success with IRC's!) - July 16th, 2012 I sent to Una Stubbs on June 24th with an IRC and a little letter attached to it explaining how to use the IRCs. Received a photo back (not the one I sent- but her usual ones that she sends in the mail- I think she only signs with ballpoint pens so she couldnt have signed my photo anyhow ) on July 16th.
She sent back my little letter attached to the IRC with the photo so maybe she took the letter to her to the post office for help? Or the person who took it to the post office did?
Autograph and Envelope:
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Una Stubbs Q+A success - July 16th, 2012 I sent a letter asking some questions, and SAE to Una on: 4th July 2012, and on Saturday I recieved my Questions back answered, plus she also sent a signed and personalized photo too.
address I used was:
Una Stubbs,
c/o Rebecca Blond Associates,
69a, Kings Road,
Here are the pics: -
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Una Stubbs Success! - July 7th, 2012 Hi there
Sent LOR and SAE on 7 June 2012. Received signed photo and lovely note back from Una on 4 July 2012.
Used address on database
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Una Stubbs success - July 3rd, 2012 I sent a letter and SAE to Una on: 14th June 2012, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo from her.
address I used was:
Una Stubbs,
c/o Rebecca Blond Associates,
69a, Kings Road,
Here is the pic: - |  |
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Una Stubbs Success! - June 12th, 2012 I sent a LOR and a SASE to British actress Una Stubbs on May 30th and I received a signed photo today (June 12th)
The address I used was:
Una Stubbs
Rebecca Blond Associates
69a Kings Road
Heres the signed photo:
Here it is with the envelope:
And heres a little note she wrote on the back of the envelope:
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