Nihon Falcom (Game Company) Success (Toshihiro Kondo) - November 21st, 2016 Sent a LOR and a Poster to:
Nihon Falcom
2-8-18 Akebono-cho
Tokyo, Japan
Sent: 2/11/2016
Received: 15/11/2016
Was not sure whether or not to post this one as I have no idea who signed my Poster and despite asking on Forums no one can read it so I think the autograph will forever remain a mystery lol
However after thinking about it I did get a reply regardless and I also got a free added bonus of some nice pictures of the different characters from their game Trails Of Cold Steel II so it is still classed as a success
Nihon Falcom are known for creating video games such as Trails Of Cold Steel and YS