Tom Hardy亲笔签名照片 (第5页共5页):
Tom Hardy TTM SUCCESS... - October 21st, 2013 another one a year in the making
sent LOR, photo, IRCs (when we still had them) to the addy in the database September 2012. Received this personalized gem today |
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Tom Hardy - April 26th, 2013 Well first off let me say that I have sent to Tom Hardy several times and I usually send the same photo so I cant be 100% sure what address this came back from. There is no return address on the envelope and there is also no stamp saying what city it was sent from even though the stamps have been postmarked. But I sent to Animal Rescue, and another venue a while back, and I also tracked down his agent and she gave me an address to send a letter to. So it could have been any of those addresses, however the envelope that it was sent in, was not the SASE that I sent which leads me to think that its not a venue success. I got my photo back signed, plus a note that says "Thanks for your interest. T.H.". The envelope also has "T.H." in the bottom left corner. I was not expecting to even get anything back from him, but when I wrote I went into detail about Black Hawk Down and how my sister worked with one of the men that was over there, and how I got to meet some of them and write papers on some of the men when I was in college. Just wondering do you think maybe that is why he responded or did I just get lucky with an address? Anyway I almost passed out when I opened it!
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