Sally Struthers亲笔签名照片 (第3页共3页):
Sally Struthers quick success! - February 25th, 2014 I wrote to Sally Struthers using a SAE and the Fairfax address on, and today got back the photo I had sent with her signature. At least, I *assume* its hers and not an assistants. The only reason I wonder is that I know Sally has been on tour in a play recently, so it seems a bit fast for me to have got a response living over in Ireland. Well, either way, its good to know the address is still valid if I decide to try again.
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Sally Struthers .........All In The Family - March 19th, 2012 Sent her a fan letter & photo . She sent it back UNSIGNED but sent me on of hers Sigtned to me . Sent the letter out sometime in January as of MARCH 19th got it in the mail . This is the address on the envelope .......... Sally struthers 1516 N. Fairfax Ave Los Angeles Ca 90046 . THANK YOU..FANMAIL BIZ!!! |
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Sally Struthers Fast Success!!! - November 22nd, 2011 Hey everyone... I'm off to a great start on this Thanksgiving week as I was lucky enough to get back an autograph from Actress Sally Struthers today!!! Of course best known for her role on "All In The Family" a little while back. I'm very happy to have her in my collection. Here is the breakdown for my success.
[uDate of Send Out[/u: November 8th, 2011
[uDate I Got It Back[/u: November 21st, 2011
[uWait Time[/u: Only 13 Days!!!
[uAddress Used[/u:
Sally Struthers
C/O Vincent Cirrincione Associates
1516 North Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046
[uWhat I Sent Out[/u: Letter, SASE, & Photo
[uWhat I Got Back[/u: My Photo Autographed by Sally Struthers Personalized to me with a black sharpie in my SASE
Below is the link to the photo & photo mailer I sent/got back
Thank You Sally &!!!
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