Phil Bradley亲笔签名照片 (第3页共3页):
Phil Bradley success x2! - July 31st, 2012 On 6/25/12, I sent a letter, two cards, and SASE to the former outfielder
Phil Bradley
3911 Zambezi Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
On 7/29, I received both cards back signed in black ballpoint pen! Sorry, no scan. |
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Phil Bradley (Former BASEBALL Player) SUCCESS - December 2nd, 2011 Bradley, Phil Success
(17 Days)
6950 Seminole Ct.
Columbia, MO 65203.9669
>> 7/7 Signed!
video | |
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Phil Bradley Success - November 2nd, 2011 On 10/21/2011 I sent a LOR, SASE and 1 card to Phil Bradley former Mariner and Philly Outfielder. I received it back today signed with a blue pen.
Sent to:
Phil Bradley
3911 Zambezi Drive
Columbia, MO 65202-6265
Picture here: | |
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Phil Bradley (Philadelphia Phillie) - September 30th, 2011 Sent LOR, SASE and a 1986 Donruss All-Star Card,
On 8/18/2011 and receive my card signed in ball point on 9/29/2011.
Used the following address; however the address in database may still work as well.
3911 Zambezi Drive,
Columbia, MO 65202-6265 ... adley.jpg/ | |
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