Patrick Ness Success - June 11th, 2017 sent a request letter to the author and screen writer Patrick Ness along with SASE but didn't enclose any pictures.
He was very kind in his reply. He first wrote thank you in his own handwriting on the letter i sent to him and returned it back. Also Enclosed a picture which he signed and personalized. Most Surprisingly he enclosed three additional cards which he signed and personalized.
This was amazing as he enclosed a total of four autographs. ... 6uf05.html ... j1x2e.html ... 7ooq4.html
the address i used was
Patrick Ness
Michelle Kass Associates
85 Charing Cross Road
London WC2H 0AA
Patrick Ness email success - April 21st, 2016 Patrick Ness, the writer and producer of Class, the brand new Doctor Who spin off coming this Autumn.
Really happy I've got his signature since I think he will be swamped with requests in a few months.
Sent email 04/04/16
Got autograph 20/04/16