Nick Park and Peter Lord Aardman Animations Success - June 27th, 2015 I sent a letter of request on the 21/6/15 to:
Aardman Animations Ltd
Gas Ferry Road
I addressed the letter to Nick Park and Peter Lord.
On the 24/6/15 I received two photo cards back, 1 had Morph and was signed by Peter Lord and the other had Wallace and Gromit and was signed by Nick Park. I have framed these in the same frame and they now sit proudly on my wall
Please see link for letters sent and autographs obtained: ... 870?ref=hl
Nick Park (Wallace and Gromit creator) Success - March 24th, 2013 I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received my photos unsigned and postcard signed non in my SAE.
Sent: 24 September 2012
Received: 20 March 2013
Address used:
Nick Park
c/o Aardman Animations Ltd
Gas Ferry Road
Bristol BS1 6UN
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