Mark Salling Email Success - September 26th, 2011 Sent Email to his manager on August 30th 2011 and received a signed picture on September 24th 2011.
Really happy as this was USA to UK & he paid for the postage.
Mark Salling Success - August 29th, 2011 Sent email Aug. 24th
Received Aug. 29th
Sent email located on his site under contacts. Any idea if its authentic. I noticed people with successes here he spelled his name out in his auto. The one is abreviated.
fast Mark Salling email success! - August 27th, 2011 Sent email request: 8-2-11
Received photo: 8-9-11
Took a week
Not personalized but it's ok I love him!!!! Saw him in the Glee concert this summer
Sorry I didn't take a picture of the envelope. Next time i promise!!
picture: (if that doesn't work, click