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Lee Aaker亲笔签名照片 (第1页共1页):

LEE AAKER FAILURE 2ND RTS!!! - November 13th, 2014
On September 14th I sent another request - this time to the address suggested to work by Admin. and got another [size=200RTS.[/size Forget about this guy - refuses to respond.

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LEE AAKER FAILURE - April 30th, 2014
Sent on March 1st and received [size=200UNCLAIMED[/size on April 30th. The address I used was: LEE AAKER MOUNTAINSIDE RESORT AT STOWE 171 COTTAGE CLUB ROAD STOWE, VT 05672-4143

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LEE AAKER RTS - February 25th, 2014
I got a RTS for Lee Aaker using database address: LEE AAKER PO BOX 8013 MAMMOTH LAKES, CA 93546 Please mark as RTS.

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Lee Aaker success - May 2nd, 2011
Mailed to lee Aaker (he played Rusty in the 1959-60 tv series The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin) April 11, 2011 at PO Box 8013 / Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. Included B/W 8x10 photo & SASE. Rcv'd May 2, 2011 in my SASE (SASE was returned with out postmark, had post office UPC tape over return address) my signed and inscribed photo.

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