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Jean Stapleton亲笔签名照片 (第1页共2页):

Jean Stapleton (All In The Family) - January 4th, 2013
Jean Stapleton (All In The Family) Mailed: 2/21/12 (2 - 5x7) (4½ Month Turnaround) Received: 7/13/12 Returned Pictures Unsigned, Sent Her Own 5x7 Autographed It Sent to the address in the database... I think it's legit but still would like some feedback. When you assume you end up holding on to a Doris Day autograph that's a sec. <img src=

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Jean Stapleton Failure - August 31st, 2012
So I'm at work right now but my room mate sent me a text that showed that I received a RTS - Refused from Jean Stapleton with the address crossed out. I used the New York address in the database. I'm so sad because I loved her! I'm not sure what others did to get a success. Any suggestions? I just got home and here is the envelope:

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Jean Stapleton Success - August 17th, 2012
Sent 8/6 Received 8/16 Sent LOR and a DVD insert from "All In The Family" Season 1 Received signed 8x10 photo and the insert returned unsigned. -

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Jean Stapleton Success - June 22nd, 2012
I sent Miss Stapelton a LOR, CARD, SASE on 6/12/12 and received her autographed card on 6/21/12. I used the address in the database. For anyone who does not remember who she is, she was Edith Bunker on the show "All in the Family"

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Jean Stapleton Success - June 10th, 2012
sent a letter couple weeks ago got a signed picture Saturday June 9th! - <img src= used addy in database Jean Stapleton 155 W. 68th Street Suite 29C New York, NY 10023-5835 USA

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