Gina Glocksen (American Idol)!!!!!!!!!! - June 9th, 2011 Well, today was my last day of my Junior year in High School I was very happy to get the mail today & was thrilled to find an envelope for me in the mail! I am a HUGE American Idol fan & Gina was my favorite Season 6. I was a little bummed however about my pictures i got back...the sharpie she used, is rubbing off...but she is really devoted to her fans, as you can see by her lovely letter!!
sent: August of 2010, two pictures, a letter, & a SASE
recieved:6/8/11, my two pictures signed & a letter
Address: Gina Gloksen
c/o Nancy Glocksen
in the letter it says she moved, so this address is no longer valid.