Ewa Wachowicz (e-mail) success. - December 13th, 2018 Ewa Wachowicz (e-mail) success. Old story.
First I started collecting autographs by e-mail. These autographs were received about a year ago. Maybe someone is interested.
Ewa Wachowicz � Miss Poland 1992
Used email address: biuro ( at ) promiss.pl ada ( at ) ginal-zwolinska.pl
Sent - 16/09/2017
Received - 02/10/2017
Ewa Wachowicz success - September 13th, 2014 I sent LOR and SASE on 01.09.2014 and 12.09.2014 I recieved signed and personalised photo.
[color=#0000FF:Promis Ewa Wachowicz
ul. ks. S. Pawlickiego 2 kl. d
30-320 Krakow
http://autografe.blogspot.com/2014/09/7 ... owicz.html