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Bruce Dern亲笔签名照片 (第3页共3页):

Bruce Dern Success - July 2nd, 2017
On 2-9-17, I sent LOR, SASE & 2 8x10s to: Bruce Dern P.O. Box 1581 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1581 On 7-1-17, I received both photos back, signed and personalized, as requested!

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Bruce Dern success plus extras - August 6th, 2016
On 7.21.16, sent LOR, SASE, & 8x10. Received my picture back signed on 8.5.16. He also included 5 signed pictures of his own and a signed dvd cover. I was kind of shocked with all the extra stuff he sent back with it. Address: Bruce Dern PO Box 1581 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1581 Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###://

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Bruce Dern SUCCESS - July 20th, 2016
Sent on 21 June SASE, 3 photos to Bruce Dern P.O. Box 1581 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1581 Received on 12th July all 3 signed. Thank you Mr. Dern

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Bruce Dern success - August 18th, 2014
Sent a LOR, a photo (Silent Running) and SASE on 7/23/2014 Received photo signed and personalized on 8/2/2014 Address used: Bruce Dern P.O. Box 1581 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1581

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Classic (& Current) Actor Bruce Dern Success! - May 4th, 2013
Hello. I wrote to actor Bruce Dern, including LOR, 1 photo, 2 ICs, and SASE. Exactly 1 month later, I received my photo back autographed & personalized!! :razz:<!-- s:razz: -->  The ICs were returned not signed. But he did include a very nice handwritten notecard! <!-- s<img src= --><img src= It says,"I hope this note finds you well. Thank you for your kind letter and sweet words. Warmed my old heart. I have a new film coming out next year Nebraska, I think you will enjoy. All the best, Bruce Dern." Used the address in the DB. No scanner for the envelope. Heres a picture of both. Man they came out blurry. =/ - Blurry close up of the autograph on photo: -

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