Brian Hyland - RTS - December 30th, 2022 The address:
Arslanian & Associates Inc.
6671 Sunset Blvd.
Suite 1502
Hollywood, CA 90028
for Brian Hyland is no longer valid
BRIAN HYLAND - legendary singer 60' and 70' - January 8th, 2021 I have send e-mail :
For with my daughter Helen site ; http://helen-autographs.narod.ru
Brian Hyland SUCCESS - July 30th, 2020 I sent a stamped envelope and 2 pictures to Brian Hyland on February 22, 2020. Both pictures signed back on July 30, 2020.
Brian Hyland
Arslanian & Associates
6671 W Sunset Blvd., Suite 1502
Los Angeles, CA 90028