Amelie Kiefer亲笔签名照片 (第1页共1页):
Amelie Kiefer Success, german Actress - October 13th, 2018 am 08.10.2018 Neu:
Amelie Kiefer
c/o Agentur Lambsdorff,
InfanteriestraÃe 19, Haus 5,
80797 München
3 verschiedene OAK + 4 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert eins mit Widmung
31.07.2018 - 08.10.2018
发表评论 | 评论 (1)
Amelie Kiefer [German Actress] -- Success [Old, Repost] - May 20th, 2011 Because of the lost in posts I'm reposting my successes to refill the database
Due to these being reposts, I don't have the envelope anymore
Sent: June 1th, 2010. LOR, SASE
Received: July 26th, 2010. Two signed Autograph Cards and on the back of my envelope a thank you message.
Address Used:
Amelie Kiefer
c/o Agentur ContrAct
Infanteriestr. 19 Haus 5
80 797 München
发表评论 | 评论 (1)