MLB Al Downing FAILURE! - May 31st, 2019 Sent LOR, SASE, and personalized index card on 5/20/19 to:
Al Downing
25343 Silver Aspen Way Apt. 735
Valencia, CA 91381
Got response 5/31/19 (11 days). Index card was returned, unsigned, in my SASE, and wrapped in my LOR. And I'm pretty sure he read my LOR, because he had to fold it differently to get it back into my SASE. It appears everyone else has great success with him. I don't get it. And I've had crazy-good success with these personalized index cards. Maybe he only signs baseball cards or pictures. I can't find anything that says he charges for autographs, so...I don't know.
Al Downing Success - May 7th, 2013 On February 16 I sent a letter, picture and SASE to Al Downing and on Friday I received it signed!
Al Downing
25343 Silver Aspen Way Apt. 735
Valencia, CA 91381