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Michael J. Fox Michael J. FoxMichael J. FoxMichael J. Fox
Michael J. Fox 图片 (2012年04月28日)
Michael J. Fox (外文名)
演员 添加反馈
別名: Michael Andrew Fox 网络论坛
出生: 1961年6月9日 Michael J. Fox亲笔签名照片
电子邮件地址: 添加它
最新反馈: 2014年9月25日 >>>


Michael J. Fox
Vision PR
2 Penn Plaza
26th Floor
New York, NY 10121


Vision PR
2 Penn Plaza
26th Floor
New York, NY 10121
电话号码: (212) 631-5025



回信 (英语):

Michael J. Fox - 2023年3月4日
Hey folks I used address for him and my package was picked up. Back in January. Mr. Fox inspired a piece of my art. To make long story short I got thank you for my donation from the foundation and never a response if they gave it to them. Just recently Ieft a tweet saying hope you liked the packaqe. I did not follow or anything and went on my way. Nest thin I know michaels face book with blue check mark friended me so i friended him and we were talking to day. Does Michael talk on his twitter? Said he was going to go check with foundation about my package. You all think this is him? I read once his kids help him it. You can get blue check mark unless you prove you celebrity I do not think. Any else talk to him on twitter like this? I'm confused because he said in interview he can type much anymore. Anyone shed light n this? I', so confused? What you all think?

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Michael J. Fox rts - 2017年1月4日
well I thought I might have a chance and get lucky but it didn't work Is there an address for Michael j fox that works ? Does he give out pre prints ? Let me know . Return to sender Michael J Fox 8485 E Melrose Pl Los Angeles , CA 90069 USA Return to sender I would love to have his I met Christopher Lloyd at a convention. any thing from Michael J Fox would be cool.

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Michael J. Fox :( - 2014年9月25日
I sent a letter to his foundation, and his assistant replied on his behalf explaining he doesn't sign autographs. Scan:

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