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Lisa Marie Presley Lisa Marie PresleyLisa Marie PresleyLisa Marie Presley
Lisa Marie Presley 图片 (2012年05月20日)
Lisa Marie Presley (外文名)
女歌手 添加反馈
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出生: 1968年2月1日 Lisa Marie Presley亲笔签名照片
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最新反馈: 2021年6月19日 >>>

Lisa Marie Presley




回信 (英语):

lisa marie presley RTS - 2021年6月20日
I sent a autograph request hoping for an autograph success but my envelope today came back return to sender..... Lisa Marie Presley 2850 Ocean Park Blvd #300 Santa Monica , CA 90405 USA I think she is really cool i would love her autograph maybe some day..... any new addresses would be great..... Thank you

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Lisa Marie Presley Return :(( RTS - 2013年1月23日
Hello I send letter, photos, post, envelope. I receive all closed. Returned. it said: return to sender refused unable to forward. PHOTO: used address of william morris endeavor. I will try in other adressess !! Thanks Fanmail !!!!!

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Lisa Marie Presley rts - 2011年10月8日
just got back Lisa Marie Presley RTS from the WME address in the database. Said unable to forward so looks like this address out.

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